Currently Reading: Love Secrets
My sister, Ash, lent me this book and it was such an enjoyable read! John Mark Pantana is very raw - sometimes the language he used shocked me a little out of myself. His language is poetic and very thought-provoking and sent me back to scripture - searching out the heart of the Father anew.
"Adam was formed from the dust, but Eve was carefully crafted from the rib of Adam. His
bride was inside him, made from him, made for him. Adam was delighted. 'Bone of my bone and flesh of my flesh.' This is a shadow. When the Roman Centurion pierced Jesus' side on the Cross, the substance of this shadow came pouring out in blood and water. You came from Jesus' side. You were in His heart before the foundation of the world. You were made from Jesus, for Jesus." (pg 46)
"Reality check: Sometimes, my emotions yell the opposite of what I know is true... Sometimes I fall into old thinking patterns, place unreasonable expectations on people and forfeit the joy of being Love to others. And that's when I desperately need the washing of His words of love to re-center me." (pg 69)
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